Wednesday, April 6, 2016


Last Friday, Jania and I finally managed to arrange our fake party so that we could film everything. And, in all honesty, it was an absolute nightmare.

I was a complete mess the whole night, and I could tell that I was cracking under the stress of our circumstances. There were just too many factors that all restricted what we could and couldn't do. We needed the sun to go down, we needed a good amount of people to fill up the scene, we needed everyone to stay quiet and then get loud whenever we wanted, and it all had to be within a certain time frame before our main actor would have to go home. It was chaotic and crazy, and I think I was probably the most annoying person on the planet that night. By the time we finished filming the bare minimum of what we needed, our actor had to leave and it was almost eleven o'clock. I was exhausted and tense, and it didn't help that Jania and I had been clashing a bit while recording (I know it was mostly my fault though, on account of how high strung and panicked I had become).

The worst part was that I know it could have bee fun. If there hadn't been so many factors adding to my anxiety, things would have gone better. I would have been enjoying the experience rather than running around like a maniac; and I take responsibility for that. I wish I could redo that night and get it right. But that doesn't matter, because Friday was our one shot. And now all we have is a lot of useless footage and mediocre takes.

But I'm not gonna let that stop us from finishing this opening. We will just have to work with what we have, and hope that by the end of it all, we'll have something worth presenting.

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