Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Film Location and Actors

We finally confirmed where we will be filming our opening! Our friend Rachel has agreed to let us throw our fake party at her house, even going so far as to let us invite about 20 people to fill out the space and really get into the party vibe. I'm a little worried that not all our extras will show up on the day of filming, but, if anything, we can figure out alternative ways to fill up the space. Right now we are trying to decide on lighting and the overall mise-en-scene of the scene. We'll most likely use mainly close up and medium shots of the setting in order to cover up for our limited resources, but I have no doubt we can make it work well.

Now that we have out set worked out, we're going to start writing our script. We wanted to confirm the location before writing it just to make sure that the story would be possible to film. Jania and I signed up for a script writing application and we're going to start jotting down ideas together.

I also want to start keeping my eyes peeled for possible actors. We need two feminine looking actors who don't mind playing queer characters to be our main protagonists. I originally thought that it would be difficult to find people willing to play these roles, but I realized that we have plenty of willing participants in our schools GSA club. So now my main concern is finding good actors to play the roles believably. Jania and I agreed to hold auditions after we finish writing our script, but for now I'll be looking out for some potential candidates. I'm confident that everything will come together nicely!